On knowing and not knowing

I originally started thinking about this post after a conversation with our Principal, Janet Smith at the Access graduation performance. She talked about how the students danced so confidently and openly, and that perhaps this was because they hadn’t begun to analyse their performance to the extent that students do on the degree programme through… Continue reading On knowing and not knowing


Every day at college, we have advice handed to us: ‘You have to love dance to stick at it’, ‘You don’t have to love dancing every day of the week, it’s just a job, people have this ‘passion complex’ as dancers, that I don’t invest in’, ‘Show me your passion, that’s what people look for’,… Continue reading STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, LIVE


Not knowing my limitations has recently led to me spending the majority of my spare time lying on my back in ‘constructive rest’, staring at the ceiling wondering how long I can expect to feel like this and when I can get back to dancing properly without the delayed pain that often doesn’t set in… Continue reading MY BACK-STORY